Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Review of Munchkin: The Card Game

Of all of the card games I have ever played, Munchkin is still my absolute play-any-time-of-day favorite. Munchkin has a rule explaining that if the rules are not clear then the one who yells the loudest wins, and the final say goes to the owner of the game. How legit is that?

Munchkin is a card game that encourages players to cheat to win. One card even allows you to openly cheat in front of all of your friends. Using this card you can attach body armor to your head or maybe have three arms to hold your three handed sword.

The gist of Munchkin is to level up and become stronger than your opponents. In other words, Munchkin spoofs a certain style of roleplaying game player.

Leveling up is easier said than done, because a lot can happen quickly in Munchkin. Also, you never know what your buddy might play against you.

Munchkin is easy to jump into, especially if you're familiar with RPG's. The game can be played with between two and eight players.The better you know the rules, the easier it is to break them. And in Munchkin it isn't cheating until you get caught.

Munchkin has outstanding replay value, which I am always looking for in any game. Tons of expansions to the standard dungeon style Munchkin are available, too. These expansions add environmental effects, new cards, and funny monsters to battle.

Some of the available expansions for Munchkin include pirate themed Munchkin, space opera themed Munchkin, and Lovecraftian horror themed Munchkin. 

Here's a list of available Munchkin  games:
  • Munchkin
  • Star Munchkin
  • Munchkin Fu
  • Munchkin Bites!
  • Super Munchkin
  • Munchkin Impossible
  • Munchkin Cthulhu
  • The Good, the Bad, and the Munchkin
  • Munchkin Booty 

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