Friday, March 11, 2011

Magic the Gathering

Magic the Gathering is a collectible card game that can be played with as few as two players and upwards to as many as you would please. (I have played a game with ten different players before. That was a fantastic match.)

Magic the Gathering was created by mathematics professor Richard Garfield and was introduced in 1993 by Wizards of the Coast. Even after nineteen years, Magic the Gathering has a strong and healthy following of six million players, including myself, across seventy countries.

Magic the Gathering game play is so solid that just about any game style could be created based of of Magic's founding rules. For example, some people play games like "two headed giant," where four players team up into teams of two and battle the other team for victory.

I should touch on some game playing facts. When you get into Magic (and if you haven't, you should) you'll find that you have many options to choose from when playing. You can play to battle in tournaments where the rules for cards in your at least 60 card deck are much stricter. Only cards in recent series can be played in a tournament.

I want to be able to play some older cards. For players like me there are legacy tournaments. In these tournaments you can play with most any cards as long as they are not band.

Once you have some cards and a couple of people to play with you will soon find that it's near impossible to stop. New cards come out like clock work, and this allows tons of new combos to win with. This game is endless--a perfect collectible card game.

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